Maria Martinez, Special Secretary: Small Business is Maryland’s ‘Backbone’

Martinez Marks Small Business Month with Message

Every May, the nation celebrates Small Business Month to recognize the critical role small businesses play in our business community. With 31.7 million small businesses across the United States, over 650,000 have chosen Maryland as their base. Accounting for 99.5% of all businesses in the state, these enterprises are undoubtedly the backbone of Maryland’s economy and the unsung heroes of the American Dream.

Drawing from my personal experience, I understand both the challenges and rewards of the entrepreneurial journey. It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to acknowledge the resilience of Maryland’s small business owners and their supporters. Today’s entrepreneurs face tremendous challenges, but thankfully, they have the backing of several public and private organizations committed to their success. Notable supporters include the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Maryland Small Business Development Centers, and the Maryland Women’s Business Center, among others. These organizations provide essential services such as coaching, training, and access to capital, supporting our entrepreneurial community daily.

Maryland prides itself on its diversity. Recognized as the most diverse state on the East Coast and home to three of the country’s most diverse cities, Maryland’s equitable and inclusive environment makes it an ideal place for business ownership. Research indicates that diverse perspectives enhance creativity and drive innovation. It is no surprise that a Lendio study ranked Maryland as the #2 state in the nation for minority entrepreneurs to succeed.

The journey of starting and growing a small business requires immense resilience and tenacity. This Small Business Month, I celebrate each of you and extend my gratitude for choosing Maryland as your place to thrive.

– Maria Martinez, Special Secretary

Watch a Maryland Business Express message from Gov. Wes Moore here: